Captain Matt’s Worms

Captain Matt has been a gardener since his grade school days. He has always loved flower and vegetable gardening, experimenting and trying new things such as apprenticing to a CSA farmer many years ago to learn organic farming from a practical perspective. When first starting his family he cared for a multi-million dollar private estate where he made sure that he had time to care for the many flower and vegetable gardens as well as a spectacular exotic flower garden greenhouse.

He did not originally plan to make worming a business though he raised worms for many years for his personal use. He fertilized his family’s garden and flower beds naturally with the best fertilizer available, worm castings! Worming was Captain Matt’s hobby.

Then COVID 19 happened… due to an underlying health condition Matt lost his job and began retirement earlier than planned. He had worms, had learned much already over the years and decided “why not scale up?”. The market was there, with opportunities in farmers markets and garden shops. He loves tending his worm farm and working for himself on his own time table.

Many years ago after Matt got his US Coast Guard license as a riverboat captain he received the gift of a hat that said Captain Matt… that was the beginning of being known as “Captain Matt”.

Captain Matt and his wife live on the Hudson River in Troy, NY. Four of their six sons live in the neighborhood, and there are always grandchildren around.